Monday 9 February 2009


Congratulations to Gonçalo Soares, aka my trainer, and Vejetal, a lovely 6 year old Lusitano from the Alter Real Stud, that won first place at the Elementary level with a brilliant 64,375 pts in the first days, upgrading to 66,667 pts in the second day!

This was the Vejetal’s first Dressage contest and besides his wonderful performance in the arena he was an absolute angel during the show.

Vejetal belongs to State owned Alter Real Foundation and is schooled by Gonçalo, rider from the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art, with the purpose of assessing his ability for Dressage competition and also to perform at the Portuguese School “Alta-escola” displays.

This will be a pair to watch from now on so I will try to publish frequent updates on their progress! For that I just created a new label "Gonçalo and Vejetal" that will be available on the web links column on the right side of the Blog.

More pics and a hopefully a video of their performance, will be added soon!

1 comment:

Cabruze said...

Hi Anna! I'm making a concerted effort to join the blogosphere! Great reports! Hope you'll come visit me! Janex