Friday 22 August 2008

Happy End

The end of a horses working career is sometimes hard to understand under the human social and ethical values.

Unfortunately and because horses are not comparable to a regular pet in size, in the amount of space and care they need in order to have a good a healthy life, most horses have a not so happy life end when they are no longer able to fulfil its duties in sport, breeding, or simply they get old.

Its true that this problem is also poorly solved for us humans… and that some retirement homes look like a piece from a horror movie scenario.

Today I bring you a happy story of this broodmare that having reached the bottom line of her breeding life was going to be sold for “whatever paid more”. Fortunately a good friend of mine is going to keep her and giving her a good permanent home where she will have care and attention and according to her physical capacities maybe she will introduce a couple of humans to the “joys of riding”!

Here with her last foal!

Ready to go to the new home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All's Well That Ends Well!!

