Wednesday 23 July 2008

…dressage horses can jump!!! … a lot!!

... a very big Blog update!

Well … I was never away for so long since I started this Blog! I’m really sorry for this absence but I have been soooo busy this last month… that the little free time I have I just don’t want to spend it at home in front of the computer. So… there you have it!!!!

I have lots of updates… and I will try to publish them as soon as possible!

First update.... Riding Lessons!

Well… this is the first time I really regret not having pictures of my last riding lessons!!!

It all started last week when I was surprisingly challenged to ride over some poles just to work on my riding position... this really sounded fun and I accepted right away!

Same horse has ever… my “cute but lazy” white Lusitano… no stirrups… a hat… and there we go… YYYEEEEYYY!!!!!

Jumping is really fun when everything goes well!!! And for me it never went wrong so I’m starting to really enjoy it!

We started with small jumps… and gradually they went higher … and today they really went higher that I ever thought for a second “jumping” lesson!!!

The horse takes his time to set in to the “jumping” mode… but once he is set… he really jumps!!!!

Jumping is really a good way to relax from the Dressage lessons, first because for me is still a kind of new thing, and also because it provides almost immediate satisfaction when we just go over the pole without falling from the horse, completely different from the Dressage where (for me) a satisfying performance is still an utopia…. :)


Luísa Lima said...

Hey Ana,

I really know what you mean!!! I actually "forced" my horse to jump at freedom because they say it's good for the withers in the dressage horse to "pop"? Anyway, he completely hated it, so I gave it up on forcing him. The other day my trainer made me go over some cavaletti and it was really fun... and then just for the heck of it, he raised the height and it was really cool (my small Dressage horse really can jump as well!!!). Loads of fun and the last time I had jumped it was 10 years ago...! I know what you mean by instant satisfaction. When I got home once and told my parents that I could actually do a straight line at the trot and then halt perfectly and it was such a great victory they looked at me like I was going wacko. ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a coinsidence that I had jumpinglessons also! Lindo tried to pass the obstacle on the left and rightside, so I had to keep the reins very well in hand, but his ears were enthousiastic putted in front and I really think he liked it!
It was really worth it trying!
H&K Yvonne and Lindo