Sunday 30 September 2007

Short review on 10 months of dressage lessons – part 1

For the first time in my life I am having lessons with the same riding instructor (RI) for so long.

Usually I ride twice a week mostly on weekends. Each lesson lasts about one hour with RI full attention. I had about 40 lessons until now!

During this time there were some rather long gaps on the training due to mine and RI’s professional commitments and just recently because the horse I usually ride was ill.

The two schoolmasters available for the lessons are very different in conformation and character but are schooled to the same level, and both are stallions.

One is a Portuguese crossbred very agile and sharp (this is the one I like better) and the other one is a typical built Lusitano horse very round shaped and a little less forward moving! There are also other horses we get to ride once in a while but they are used mainly for specific classes.

These last months we struggled to correct my MANY bad habits and mistakes from the past 5 years of freelance riding… and very slowly we are getting there!

My main problem was… canter! I love riding, I’m a confident rider and I’m not a least scared of riding so this was an absolute surprise for me… this was the result of 5 years riding a horse with a very very bad canter that I wasn’t able to fix… so it fixed me!

Other big problem… very stiff back and very stiff “everything” I may say! This was severely aggravated for the lack of exercise in the year before I started the lessons and also because of my sedentary and stressful profession.

And at last… relaxing the leg and keeping the feet steady in the stirrups… but that was a direct consequence of the overall stiffness and unbalance!

All the work done until now was absolutely outstanding and today I am a much better rider… however there is still much to work out!

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